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Kite - Aluula Pro

Wir von Kitemana freuen uns, die neueste Innovation in der Kitesurfing-Szene anbieten zu können: ALUULA Pro Kites. ALUULA, ein revolutionäres Material, das unglaublich leicht und stark ist, hat die Kitesurfing-Welt im Sturm erobert. Dieses fortschrittliche Material sorgt dafür, dass die Kites schneller, reaktionsschneller und haltbarer sind als je zuvor. Neben ALUULA gibt es auch Marken, die ihre eigenen einzigartigen Materialien auf den Markt gebracht haben, die sowohl leichter als auch stärker als das traditionelle Dacron sind. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach dem Besten der Besten sind, dann ist dies die Seite, die Sie besuchen müssen. Diese Kites liefern die bestmögliche Leistung und helfen dir, dein Niveau in jeder Hinsicht zu verbessern. Entdecke die einzigartige Leistung und verbesserte Kontrolle aller ALUULA Pro Kites bei Kitemana und bringe dein Können auf das nächste Level! Weiterlesen"

Intro Kite - Aluula Pro

Wir von Kitemana freuen uns, die neueste Innovation in der Kitesurfing-Szene anbieten zu können: ALUULA Pro Kites. ALUULA, ein revolutionäres Material, das unglaublich leicht und stark ist, hat die Kitesurfing-Welt im Sturm erobert. Dieses fortschrittliche Material sorgt dafür, dass die Kites schneller, reaktionsschneller und haltbarer sind als je zuvor. Neben ALUULA gibt es auch Marken, die ihre eigenen einzigartigen Materialien auf den Markt gebracht haben, die sowohl leichter als auch stärker als das traditionelle Dacron sind. Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach dem Besten der Besten sind, dann ist dies die Seite, die Sie besuchen müssen. Diese Kites liefern die bestmögliche Leistung und helfen dir, dein Niveau in jeder Hinsicht zu verbessern. Entdecke die einzigartige Leistung und verbesserte Kontrolle aller ALUULA Pro Kites bei Kitemana und bringe dein Können auf das nächste Level! Weiterlesen"

The introduction of new materials such as ALUULA, as well as materials like HO'OKIPA (Airush) and N-MAX (North) in the kitesurfing world marks a breakthrough in kite construction, innovation, and performance. These materials are lighter and exceptionally strong, surpassing traditional materials like Dacron in both weight and durability. Thanks to these new materials, kites are now lighter, stronger, and stiffer than ever before, resulting in unprecedented performance on the water. With these new materials, riders benefit from a larger wind range, faster and more direct steering response, and an improved overall riding experience, significantly raising the bar for kitesurfing equipment. At Kitemana, we have a wide range of ALUULA Pro kites in stock. From the latest Evo D/LAB to the newest ALUULA Pro kites from Cabrinha
- we can deliver them directly. Of course, you don't just buy an ALUULA Pro kite, and that's why we created this page to guide you through the differences between ALUULA kites, Pro kites, and traditional kites, and to explain which ALUULA Pro kites are currently available. If you have any questions after reading this page, please feel free to contact us via WhatsApp, Email, phone, or visit our megastore.

What is ALUULA material?

In 2020, the first kites featuring the unique ALUULA fabric hit the market. The introduction of this gold-hued material caused quite a stir in the kite market. The performance it brings to the kite is unparalleled! ALUULA is a fabric primarily used on the leading edge and struts of the kite, often replacing the traditional Dacron. ALUULA composites consist of a UV-resistant outer film laminated onto ultra-strong high modulus ALUULA core material. The combination of these two elements provides the best strength-to-weight ratio to date. ALUULA reduces the total weight of the kites by up to 50% while significantly increasing strength and durability. ALUULA has set new standards in the market, enabling new heights, speeds, and overall performance to be achieved.

Benefits of ALUULA.

ALUULA offers significant advantages for kite surfers. This innovative material is ultra-light, extremely strong, and highly durable, resulting in kites that perform better on all fronts. Thanks to ALUULA, kites have a larger wind range, a faster and more direct steering response, and improved stability, even in the most challenging conditions. These properties make kites with ALUULA a game-changer for both beginners and experienced kite surfers.

Lighter Weight
Aluula kites can be up to 50% lighter compared to standard constructions. Of course, this is also partly dependent on the size of the kite.

Aluula has approximately 38% higher tensile strength compared to Dacron. Tensile strength is the force required to pull something, such as a rope, wire, or in this case, Aluula, to the point where it breaks. The tear strength is also higher. Compared to Dacron, Aluula is up to 7 times more tear-resistant.

Extra Stiffness
Thanks to Aluula, the frame is stiffer, and the entire diameter of the leading edge can be reduced. A thinner leading edge means less air resistance (better aerodynamics) and faster kite steering. The extra stiffness also ensures that the kite deforms less, keeping the kite very stable regardless of the conditions!

Additional Benefits

  • - Excellent UV resistance
  • - Very low water absorption
  • - Resistant to bacterial growth
  • - Water-resistant
  • - Non-permeable to air

3-strut ALUULA kite vs. 5-strut ALUULA kite.

In the meantime, a wide range of ALUULA kites has hit the market. Various brands have embraced this new material over the past few years, each designing their own kite with this amazing material. Today, there are broadly two different types of ALUULA kites - 3-strut ALUULA kites and 5-strut ALUULA kites. What exactly is the difference between the two, and how do you notice it on the water?

5-strut ALUULA kites
A 5-strut ALUULA frame is specially designed for big air kitesurfers. If you enjoy riding overpowered and want the best hangtime, then a 5-strut frame like the Core XR Pro is exactly what you need. The two extra struts provide a super stable kite, and especially in combination with ALUULA, the kite remains incredibly stable in the air. No matter how gusty the wind is, you won't feel a thing at the bar. The stable frame helps you handle more power and allows you to fully power up to go for your height record. The big problem with traditional 5-strut kites was that they often felt slow and heavy. The ALUULA material allows the leading edge to be made narrower, making the kite feel fast and responsive. ALUULA also significantly reduces weight, improving the kite's low-end. Lastly, 5-strut ALUULA kites often have slightly heavier bar pressure compared to a 3-strut ALUULA frame.

3-strut ALUULA kites
A 3-strut ALUULA kite is great for both freeriders and big air enthusiasts looking for an easy-to-use kite. Compared to a 5-strut ALUULA frame, a 3-strut frame is much lighter because two struts are left out. A 3-strut ALUULA kite like the Duotone Evo D/LAB or the Reedin Hypermodel is the perfect kite to start practicing your first kiteloops. The kite is faster than a 5-strut ALUULA kite, making it even easier to pull off kiteloops. Looking for a kite for doubles or even triples? Go for a 3-strut ALUULA kite. Traditional 3-strut kites were often a bit unstable in strong, gusty winds. Now with the ALUULA material, that problem is solved. The material makes the leading edge and struts very stiff, keeping the kite very stable in strong winds. Also, a 3-strut kite compared to a 5-strut ALUULA kite has less bar pressure.

In short, if you're looking for a real big air kite that guarantees a new height record and massive single loops, then a 5-strut ALUULA kite is perfect for you. If you're looking for more variety in your sessions and also enjoy freeriding, then a 3-strut ALUULA kite is perfect for you.

Pro kites

In the kitesurfing world, the quest for better materials is a constant drive for innovation. Traditionally, Dacron was the standard material for kite construction due to its strength and durability. However, the introduction of new materials like ALUULA has led to improved performance.

In addition to ALUULA, there are brands that utilize other materials such as HO'OKIPA (Airush), N-MAX (North), and Penta TX (Duotone) that push kite performance. Compared to ALUULA and standard materials, these offer a nice middle ground. The materials are lighter, stronger, and stiffer than standard Dacron kites, while the price tag remains much friendlier compared to ALUULA kites. Some kites featuring these pro materials include the Airush Lithium Team, North Orbit Pro, and the Duotone Evo SLS.

At Kitemana, we always strive to keep you updated on the latest developments in the kitesurfing world through our YouTube videos. In our videos, we discuss various ALUULA Pro kites, diving deeper into their unique characteristics, features, and benefits. Our professionals provide detailed reviews, tips, and showcase the kites in action, giving you a good understanding of them. Whether you're looking for higher jumps, better control, or increased durability, our videos will help you find the perfect kite. Subscribe to our channel and don't miss any updates on the latest gear!

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