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WOO Sports

Everyone knows the small blue device by now, the WOO. The WOO has been developed to measure a number of things while kitesurfing, including altitude, airtime, and landing. You can share this online with the entire WOO community and other social media. The nice thing about this device is that everyone can share their session and an online competition can be started. After the first version of the WOO, the WOO 2.0 has been launched in 2017 and the WOO 3.0 will be launched in 2018, which aren't just made to measure your kitesurf session, but also wakeboard and snowboard sessions. Would you like more information about any of the WOO Sports products please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly answer all of your questions. Read more...

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WOO Sports

Everyone knows the small blue device by now, the WOO. The WOO has been developed to measure a number of things while kitesurfing, including altitude, airtime, and landing. You can share this online with the entire WOO community and other social media. The nice thing about this device is that everyone can share their session and an online competition can be started. After the first version of the WOO, the WOO 2.0 has been launched in 2017 and the WOO 3.0 will be launched in 2018, which aren't just made to measure your kitesurf session, but also wakeboard and snowboard sessions. Would you like more information about any of the WOO Sports products please contact us by phone or email and we will gladly answer all of your questions. Read more...

Buy WOO Sports

WOO Sports was founded in 2013 by three kitesurf friends who were very curious about their activities on the water. After a nice session, they came up with the idea to make a device that registered the activities, which are then digitally made available and visualized. From this moment WOO Sports was a fact.

Innovatie WOO Sports

The vision of WOO is to transform action sports into a large online game. Playing Tony Hawk skateboarding in the real world versus playing on the couch behind a TV screen. WOO Sports offers the possibility to compare all sessions and share them with others on an online platform.

When we speak from experience, WOO offers the opportunity to push your boundaries and challenges you to make higher and bigger jumps. Every session you try to push yourself a bit more to go that one meter higher. Currently, our records are at 19.6m and 19.2m, time to hit the 20m mark and beyond!

Besides their own passion for kitesurfing, WOO sports also wants to expand their tech no other sports such as snowboarding, wakeboarding, skiing, skateboarding etc. in this way they hope to encourage more people to go outside and exercise!

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